Welcome to Interpage's Messaging and Paging Service Enterprise Gateway
Interpage's Enterprise Messaging & Paging Gateway allows for large-scale integration between web sites, servers and other automated web-based applications to cellular telephones, SMS mobiles, and legacy devices such as alpha and/or numeric pagers, scripted dial pagers, and even voice pagers and voicemail systems.

Other messaging/paging services and applications are available, please review the Messaging/Paging Main page and/or the Enterprise vs. Personal Messaging/Paging Comparison for details.

[ Back to Main | Flat Version | Messaging/Paging Main Menu | Personal Msg Gateway | DirectPage Service | Alarm System Integration | Medical Practice Svc | International Gateway Svc | Automated Paging Database | SMS Gateway Overview | Operator Dispatch | OutVoice | Send a Free Page | Messaging/Paging Rates | Messaging/Paging Instructions | Sign Up | Free Trial | Contacts ]

Interpage Messaging and Paging Gateway diagram depicting hospitals, cloud-based servers lacking messaging connectivity, and other Internet devices using the Interpage Messaging and Paging gateway to connect to doctors, medical techs, on-call personnel, and in general mobile phones, pagers, and other wireless and messaging devices

(Personal/individual paging customers interested in sending/receiving messages to paging, cellular/mobile, SMS or other messaging destinations, please visit the personal/individual messaging gateway services page for details about Interpage's direct e-mail gateway service to/from pagers, cell phones and SMS mobiles, or view the comparison of the Enterprise and Personal Messaging Gateways for more information.)

Enterprise/Commercial entities, cloud-based servers and applications, fault monitoring services, Service Providers, and other Web and E-Mail oriented service providers may integrate Interpage's Messaging and Paging Gateway with their messaging and notification systems and services to dispatch messages via one singular account to SMS/text messaging and MMS/Multimedia recipients, alpha and numeric-only pagers, other wireless devices, and legacy messaging equipment. The Interpage Messaging gateway also supports faxing and automated voice and WAV file dispatches, and may be sent via a common messaging protocol to automate messaging and notification to nearly any end device/technology.

Interpage's Messaging and Paging Gateway can be customized on an ad-hoc/per-message basis to display customized sender IDs for SMS, MMS, and Alpha Paging recipients, and offers the ability to utilize one or more company/branded return or SMS addresses so that recipients and customers will be familiar with the identity of the sender's firm, business, or messaging campaign.

To reach older numeric-only paging systems, and specifically systems which require some degree of human input or interraction, the Messaging and Paging Gateway can also be configured to navigate voicemail or paging "trees", IVR, or "PIN"-based systems to notifiy non-traditional messaging devices or those which frequently cause problems for non-scriptable paging systems. Many of these systems are incorporated in the Interpage Paging Database, which performs lookups for PIN-based systems (including Alpha pagerIDs and hospital messaging systems) and automatically directs messages to the appropriate paging/messaging carrier.

In conjunction with the OutVoice Service, the Messaging Gateway service can also dispatch to Voice/Voicemail Pagers or contact mobiles and landline/POTS lines with synthesized speech or customized WAV audio file, relaying important messages when cellular data or messaging and/or paging coverage is unavailable or unreliable.

The Messaging/Paging Gateway is designed for seamless integration into nearly any messaging regime -- commands may be sent to the automated Messaging/OutPage server via simple e-mail commands or web-based submissions, with optional SSL/TLS secure encrpytion for HIPAA and other similar secure messaging regimes and requirements. Enterprise customers who do not maintain or have access to carrier information for the various alpha pagers which they message to may utilize the Interpage Paging Database to automatically look up and transmit alpha pages without knowing the underlying paging carrier.

The entirety of Interpage Messaging/Paging Gateway, and associated voice, fax and related notification methods, employ simple commands which may be implemented in and integrated with any messaging/pager notification application or software in seconds. There is no special coding or programming knowledge required, and no APIs or code are needed to be integrated into existing servers, notification software, or applications.

For example, to send an SMS message to US mobile phone (415) 555-1212, the following e-mail command may be sent to Interpage's Messaging Gateway:

OUTSYS SMSGATE 14155551212 "This is a test of the Interpage SMS Gateway"

...which will result in a mobile number (415) 555-1212 (in the US/Canada, eg, country code 1) receiving the message: 'This is a test of the Interpage SMS Gateway'. (Please see the SMS/MMS Gateway page for additional details.)

Alternately, the Messaging Gateway may be used to send an Alpha message/page to a SPOK paging customer using the following command:

OUTSYS SPOK 1234567 "This is a test to SPOK Alpha pager 1234567 using Interpage's Paging Gateway"

...which will send SPOK Alpha customer/Pager ID 1234567 the message: 'This is a test to SPOK Alpha pager 1234567 using Interpage's Paging Gateway'.

A numeric-only page to a numeric pager may be generated as follows:

OUTNUM NUM 2135551212 "123456789"

...and will page (213) 555-1212 so that "123456789" will appear on the display of the numeric pager unit.

To send a numeric message to given hospital's on-call paging system, the command sent to Interpage's Messaging & Paging Gateway would be:

OUTNUM NUM-B 2135551212 "4321" "0001111"

...which will call the hospital's paging system at (213) 555-1212, enter on-call code (PIN) 4321, and if pager 4321 is available/on-call, send message "0001111" so it will appear on the display of the on-call pager or messaging unit.

For cases where the destination paging system or carrier is unknown, the Interpage Paging/Carrier Database may be used to direct a page to the correct carrier/customer:

OUTSYS DATABSE 21311110000 "This is a test of the Interpage Paging Database and Gateway"

...which will look up the paging system/carrier which services pager "2131110000" and, if the lookup is successful, send the message 'This is a test of the Interpage Paging Database and Gateway'.

Many other end devices and functions are available; details on the Outpage protocol and how to configure a server to use Interpage as a singular gateway for all SMS, messaging, and paging notification needs may be found on the Messaging/OutPage Commands page.

The Messaging/Paging Gateway also provides detailed confirmation messages to provide information back to the sender (or server) of the status of a sent message:

  • A QUEUE confirmation indicating that the Interpage Messaging/Paging Gateway (and optional Database) has received the message and is sending it out (a "success queue"), or if there is some error in the request (due to poor syntax for example) a message indicating that the reuqest could not be processed (a "failed queue").

  • A SEND confirmation indicating that the Gateway has sent the message to the given destination carrier, system, or mobile (a "success send"), or that delivery to the given carrier, system, or mobile has failed (a "failed send").
  • The queue and send confirmations are sent in plain text (not binary or HTML), and are thus easily parsable by servers or automated equipment/software to provide customers and end users with detailed updates as to the status of their messages. Billing codes or other unique strings of data may also be sent with each message/page, and are passed back in the queue, send, and billing messages to keep track of individual messages and assign costs (if applicable) to individual customers or groups.

    The Enterprise Messaging/Paging Gateway also allows for the customization of messages sent, with optional corporate branding and reply addresses specific to a given firm or organization which utilizes the gateway; please inquire for details.

    Parties interested in an evaluative (free) trial of the Messaging/Paging Gateway may complete a Messaging/Paging Trial Form, and when complete fax or scan the form to Interpage for processing.

    Specialized Messaging Gateway services may also be utilized by "legacy" or non-internet enabled systems via a variety of alternate access methods, including:

  • DirectPage Servicesm, where numeric (DTMF/Touch Tones) can trigger the Messaging/OutPage Gateway to automatically send messages to one or more mobile phones, SMS devices, alpha pagers, numeric pagers, e-mail, and "fallback" voice-synthesis dispatch.

  • Alarm System Messaging Service integrates alarm or emergency alert equipment (including older legacy systems) with cellphones/SMS, pagers, e-mail and POTS/voice-notification. Thresholds, online notification schedules, codewords and other notification options and customization are included.

  • Medical Practice and Messaging System provides a single interface where messages, pages, e-mails, and other communications can be scheduled and messaged to "On-Call" staff and personnel. HIPPA rules may also be imposed at the initiation of a new message, page, or communication, ensuring end-to-end compliance from sender to recipient.

  • Alpha Self-dispatch, where messages are sent to the Messaging/OutPage Gateway by TAP/IXO and in turn dispatched to e-mail, cellphones, SMS devices, numeric pagers, and other alpha paging and messaging devices.

  • WebAlert ServiceSM, used generally to integrate legacy voicemail and Touch Tone/DTMF systems to a database-driven messaging regime for large-scale automated integration of devices and systems which output Touch Tones to multiple end users. In the context of paging/messaging services, WebAlert generally functions as a gateway between legacy/non-internet based voicemail and alarm systems which send messages to a single pager to enable notification to e-mail, cellphones, SMS devices, voice notification, and/or multiple pagers and paging devices.

  • Other access methods to enable specialized applications to move content and messages to cellphones, pagers and other messaging devices are also available, please inquire for details.

    Rates, other Plans and links to associated Enterprise Gateway Services

  • Messaging and Paging Main Page, with links to various messaging and paging services.

  • Overview of the SMS/MMS Messaging Gateway with customized sender/return header information.

  • Messaging, SMS and Paging Gateway command syntax and examples of simple commands.

  • Enterprise Gateway Services and Rates, including bulk/flat rate messaging plans, low-volume (personal) plans, international messaging and SMS messaging plans and rates.

  • International Messaging and Paging Services: Gateway and Messaging Integration primarily to accept and send messaging content from/to customers outside of the US and Canada.

  • TAP/IXO Self-Dispatch Portal accepts modem-based TAP/IXO messages for distribution to email, pagers, cellphones, international mobile phones, voice messaging, POTS lines, and fax machines worldwide. The modem-based Self Dispatch service provided a reliable fallback mechanism for equipment and devices which need to send emergency and/or time-critical alerts and require a "fallback" option for when Internet access is unavailable. The modem-dispatch option is also useful for legacy devices or other equipment where continuous internet access is not practical to maintain but which still need to disseminate messages via the Internet and/or to other messaging devices.

  • Numeric/DTMF Self-Dispatch Port: Send Touch Tone/DTMF messages for distribution to e-mail, pagers, cellphones, international mobile phones, faxes and text to speech. Similar to the "TAP/IXO Dispatch Option" (above) but for use with devices which can only send out Touch Tones (DTMF).

  • DirectPage, Interpage's "Virtual Numeric Pager" service, provides your customers and callers with a local numeric paging number which, when paged, can trigger cellphone, SMS, pager, e-mail and/or voice notification without requiring a physical numeric pager and numeric paging "airtime" service. DirectPage customers have the ability to control how and when they and/or on-call or "field" staff are notified, and to consolidate all pagers, mobile phones, etc. under one unified number, which can then serve to send notification to the pagers/phones/e-mail addresses, voice telephone lines, and/or fax machines of their choice.

  • OutVoice: Use Interpage's email to voice and text-to-speech service to "fill in" holes in a paging, messaging, or escalation hierarchy. OutVoice can work in conjunction with the Interpage Paging Gateway as a means to notify by voice or WAV sound files and confirm receipt of messages via Touch Tone (DTMF) and email. If paging/cellular service is weak, a given carrier's messaging is slow or temporarily inoperative, or some other factor prevents the reception of alpha/numeric messages, OutVoice may be used as a supplemental notification methodology to call a cellphone or regular (POTS) line and disseminate messaging content verbally.

  • Contacts

    To receive additional information about Interpage's Paging Services, please contact us via:

    Web-based Support/Inquiry Interface

    •Telephone: +1 (650) 331-3900.

    Interpage Contacts Page

    We will be happy to answer any questions concerning paging or other services!

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    Last modified 02/15/2025

    Phone:  (650) 331-3900
    Fax:      (650) 292-1600